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Production videos


I wrote my own cabaret act along with a few other individuals and under the direction of Joshua Finkel and the wonderful musical styling of Jake Anthony, we had the opportunity to perform all of our acts together for one spectacular night of very truthful performance. My piece spanned from childhood to adult and although I would love to post the entire piece not all of it is suitable for all ears. Here are several clips from my act. I hope you enjoy! (PS...this was performed at supper club style venue so apologies for the waitress walking back and forth)

Opening: A Brief Look At My Childhood


We ALL Need Help



This show was one of my favorite to perform. I learned during this time how capable I truly am because just before performances begain I was in a car accident and I was determined to perform. The team stood by me and we had a wonderful show on our hands

Send In The Clowns

The Boy From ...

Gotta Get A Gimmick

Getting Married Today


I have a soft spot for all things Gilbert & Sullivan and have been lucky to play several of their ingenues. Although the video quality is not great please enjoy these clips from The Mikado and Ruddigore

The Mikado: The Sun, Whose Rays Are All Ablaze

Ruddigore: If Somebody There Chanced To Be


Production photos

Late Night Comedy

Photos from the long running hit series Serial Killers at Sacred Fools created by Padraic Duffy & Hans Gelpke

and Magnum Opus Theater created by Vanessa Stewart & Joe Jordan

click on a photo for more details

Forbidden Zone: Live in the Sixth Dimension

WORLD PREMIERE!  Adapted from one of the greatest midnight movies of all time! A surreal and bawdy journey to the Sixth Dimension, created by Richard Elfman and featuring the music of Danny Elfman and the Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo!

Adapted by Michael Holmes

Directed by Scott Leggett

​click on a photo for more details

Random Production Photos

Some times your show has production stills, sometimes you have a cast mate that loves taking photos, please enjoy!

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I rarely end up with photos of me on stage when I am hosting an event or a party, but it always amuses me to be called MC the MC

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